I was born 03/31/1971 with twin brother Daniel in Stuttgart, Germany.
Family contacts to music, acting, theatre, TV, peace movement, writing, computers, mathematics, electronics, cooking...
Traveling a lot around Europe and the world with family, friends and alone.
During my school period I've played in several bands as guitar player and singer.
Graduation diploma 1991 at Wagenburg Gymnasium (Abitur ~ GCE A-levels).
Civil service at a youth club.
2 semesters "process technology" at Stuttgart university...
Work as musician, actor and technician at: Schwaben Offensive, Theaterhaus, Friedrichsbau Varieté, Sound Workshop...
Trade licence as lighting and sound technician 1994.
Study "computer science" at Fachhochschule Ravensburg/Weingarten up to pre diploma.
Work as head of lighting departement at Apollo Varieté Düsseldorf.
Moving house to Milano, Italy (2000-2002). Work on several tours (Italy, USA)...
Back to Stuttgart, Germany 2003.
Work as lighting and sound technician at festivals, concerts and tours... in europe.
Developement of technical tools and control systems for shows.
Video as element of set/lighting design and DVD productions.
Since 2015 I live in spain and work as "Autonomo"
Between the tours in europe, I concentrate on developement of technical tools and control systems for shows.